How Appropriate Are Cloud-Based Access Controls For Your Area

Originally posted on October 20, 2022 @ 9:43 am

Nowadays, smartphones are stuck in our hands, figuratively and sometimes literally. Smartphones’ purpose has evolved from pure entertainment to more purposeful set-ups. We grew up watching and playing games on our mobiles to paying and tracking bills on our phones. The smartphone’s evolution has become so bizarre that we unconsciously adapt to it. Smartphones have two kinds: an Android and an IOS. Whichever category you are using, both have an edge to excellence. However, there are things you do not know about that mobile phones are capable of; smartphones are capable of accessing entrances through app-based access control. If you are wondering what the use of this function is, it is a component of smart technology, a video intercom. Video intercoms can be a developed type or a standard type, depending on the brand acquired. If you desire to learn more about cloud-based access controls, it is time to check for brands that cater to this functionality. Take some notes, and do not fail to disseminate this to your friends for their future cloud-based access control reference. 

What To Know Before Buying

1.) Invest Your Money On Trusted Brands

It is very vital to put your money on things that will perform a hundred percent of excellence. Their services should be genuine and not create hassles for customers.

2.) Maintenance

There is regular Maintenance on your technology, but it all boils down to the variant and the brand. Some brands require the company to do the maintenance process, and some only require Maintenance through software. So, choose your cloud-based access control brand wisely. 

3.) Know Your Budget

A budget could be the first thing that a purchaser should consider. Some brands have cheaper variants; some could potentially cost more. But, the higher cost may indicate that the brand could offer promising services. 

Brands That Offer Cloud-Based App Access Control

1.) Swiftlane

Swiftlane is a brand that covers almost all smart technology for communication, security, and access methods. Swiftlane, as a brand, has established a name in these fields. They won awards and gained respect from different industries due to the well-performed excellence they serve the people and the innovations.  

Summary of Swiftlane’s Product

Swiftlane has a variant of SwiftReader and SwiftReader X, with the same objective and vision. All variants have everything a client is looking for; an all-in-one service. The cloud-based app access control is present along with other valuable features, namely, mobile and face recognition, voice unlock pin and key fob access. It is overall perfect audio and video intercom. 

2.) Feenics

Feenics is known for its hardware-agnostic access management. This company has been running the game since the 2000s. 

Summary of Feenic’s Product

This product has manageable cloud-based access control solutions. It can do contactless card-based credentials and remote management through the brand itself. However, it does not have a built-in video intercom or camera. Plus, their installation may cost you more, requiring more hardware.

3.) Brivo

Brivo is a brand appropriate for residential and business areas and purposes. Their access control solutions have multiple methods: PIN, RFID, HID card readers, and a few more. 

Summary of Brivo’s Product

People can manage their process of accessing through Brivo’s cloud-based controls. It simply means that you could do the access remotely, whether you are outside of your area or out of town. This feature could also secure your future packages by giving authorized access to the delivery drivers. Hence, some issues surfaced, saying the brand has not supported or strengthened its door controllers.

Overall, cloud-based access controls can alleviate your everyday actions through their efficient and few automatic services. With the help of your smartphones, it could be an instrument to have remote access to everyone from family, friends, visitors, and delivery drivers. This era is the best time to purchase an app-based access control, but always choose the best brand as it could be one of the factors. 


Parag Banerjee is an experienced Search Engine Optimizer. He has a wide knowledge of Google Updates, Analytics, and many others. He studied Computer Application from Techno India.

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